So I am currently still reading Feed and it is amazingly out there and weird, but at the same time I do wonder what if this could happen. I can hardly stand it now when a phrase or song gets stuck in my head, how could I possibly handle something in my mind continuously bantering me with all kinds of bull shit I don't need? I think I would get "meg" frustrated and start rocking back and forth like an idiot.
The world seems to be getting lazier, generation after generation. In our society we don't really need to solve our problems any more, because there is usually something to solve them for us. In America, where technology surrounds us and is used daily, we take it for granted and don't know what to do with out it. In the book Feed about 70 percent of the people have a feed and if you think about it, in our culture its probably the same amount that depends on Internet, phones and other technology. The other percent either can't afford the technology or they know they do not need it to live their life. It seems as though people are always craving something new and exciting to fill them self with so that they can try and feel better, but every new thing only makes them happy for a short while and then they go on to find the next thing to make them happy. This cycle continuously repeats itself and makes up what is known as consumerism.
Its funny how in this book they use words and phrases that sound totally bizarre and unknown, but maybe the author wanted it like that. This whole story seems crazy and the language only emphasizes it more. Also it is completely sad that the people who were born with feeds don't even know how to write and their school consists of pretty much learning how to use their feeds. They no longer need math or reading skills, because the feed works for them. It doesn't seem worth it and plus people are even getting these lesions from the feed. Nobody seems to be individual any more because when they think, its not really thinking for them self.
When I hear about them going to the moon and complaining about how boring it is it surprises me like it did Violet. Partying on the moon sounds so extravagant and impossible to us now and knowing that they think its boring is a definite shock. The moon and other planets are still a mystery to us, but it just further proves how nothing keeps you happy forever. An example that reminds me of this is Valley Fair. The first time I went there it was incredible and fun, but when I go now I'm just tired and get bored easily, so now for a fun time I will be going to Six Flags this summer. Yes I have just admitted I am like any other fun seeking person, but I hope to never be at the point where I forget whats important. This story definitely opens my eyes to what our future could be and hopefully this isn't really our destiny.
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